Dear LHS "Lion Pride" Marching Band Parents,
Thank you for your support of your students and their participation at our current Marching Band Camp session. They are doing really good work and progressing nicely towards our goals of learning our "Effloresence: Shades of a Rose" Show music and drill and our competitive March: "The Cradle of Liberty". Their efforts are really helping the show to take shape both musically and visually.
A couple of reminders to everyone:
1. We are still in need of several families to host students from Takayama, Japan. We need families who are able to host either 2 boys or 2 girls from Friday evening August 4th through Monday morning August 7th. We will have activities to do together each day and we simply need families to be willing to offer them a home-stay experience in an American family home here in Colorado. Please contact Don Emmons if you are able to help us host this year.
2. I am in need of 2 more parents to come and assist with the Car-Wash on Saturday morning July 29th from 8am - 1pm. The students will do all the work washing cars, we simply need parents to assist with supervision and to handle the monetary donations.
3. A reminder that we have a band parent work-day this Saturday, July 29th from 9am - 2pm. Please come and help as you are able and your schedule permits. We have some wood-working projects, so power tools are helpful (drills, saws, etc.).
4. The Band Picture day originally scheduled for Friday, August 4th is being moved to either August 14, 15 or 16. When it is confirmed, I will let everyone know. We will still have rehearsal on Friday, August 4th from 2pm to 4pm. Then we will perform at the Welcome Ceremony for our Japanese students from Takayama, Japan at 4pm in full uniform in the LHS Theater.
As always, please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.
Don Emmons, Instrumental Music Director
Littleton High School