Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Please check your or your student's trip balance and make sure to pay the total amount due by the end of this week! Checks are to made out to LHS Encore!
To use student Encore funds to make payments, please check their Encore balance using their online code (contact lhsencoretreasurer@gmail.com if you don't know yours), and use the Withdrawal form to request that amount be transferred. The Withdrawal form should be submitted to Mr. Emmons or Mr. Farrell by end of this week.

All links and forms can be found on the Encore website under the Encore tab; however, below are direct links. Please contact the Encore treasurer with questions.


Encore website
Germany trip balance: http://www.lhsperformingarts.net/encore/germany-2014-trip-balances
Encore student account balances: http://www.lhsperformingarts.net/encore/student-accounts/student-account-balances
Withdrawal Request form: https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=ZGVmYXVsdGRvbWFpbnxsaHNlbmNvcmVwZXJmb3JtaW5nYXJ0c3xneDo3MDg0MDA0YjYzNDY3NmRl
Please check your or your tudent's trip balance and make sure to pay the total amount due by the end of this week! Checks are to made out to LHS Encore!

To use student Encore funds to make payments, please check their Encore balance using their online code (contact lhsencoretreasurer@gmail.com if you don't know yours), and use the Withdrawal form to request that amount be transferred. The Withdrawal form should be submitted to Mr. Emmons or Mr. Farrell by end of this week.

All links and forms can be found on the Encore website under the Encore tab; however, below are direct links. Please contact the Encore treasurer with questions.


(NOTE! Some people have been having trouble viewing these sites using Internet Explorer. Firefox and Chrome seem to work best)

Encore website
Germany trip balance: http://www.lhsperformingarts.net/encore/germany-2014-trip-balances
Encore student account balances: http://www.lhsperformingarts.net/encore/student-accounts/student-account-balances
Withdrawal Request form: https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=ZGVmYXVsdGRvbWFpbnxsaHNlbmNvcmVwZXJmb3JtaW5nYXJ0c3xneDo3MDg0MDA0YjYzNDY3NmRl