Sunday, December 21, 2014

Dear LHS Band Parents,

First, I would like to say a very sincere and deeply felt "Thank You" to all of you for making such a positive and wonderful first semester possible.  Your support of your students in the LHS Instrumental Music program is exceptional.  I LOVE working with your students.  They are receptive to music instruction, they enjoy rehearsing together and they perform with such a strong passion for the music that they are playing.  It is truly my pleasure and joy to work with them and you are the ones through the support of your students that make this possible.  

Second, I really appreciate how well you support me.  I was really overwhelmed with the gifts from the Marching Band Parents that were presented to me at the Band Banquet that night.  I have also been thoroughly encouraged and supported through the gift of different parent's time and energy as you volunteer to help with uniforms and lights and equipment and just a myriad of details that allow our students to rehearse and perform better.  Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

Finally, I would like you all to be aware of our Continental League Honor Music Festival that will take place at Boettcher Concert Hall at the Denver Center for the Performing Arts on Monday evening, January 12th.  Here is the link to the Continental League Honor Music Festival Website that gives detailed information about the event as well as a link to the site to purchase tickets for the concert.  We would love to have you come and enjoy this event as well as to support our students at this performance.  

I wish you all a beautiful, enjoyable and wondrous Holiday season.  And I look forward to all that awaits us in 2015.  


Don Emmons, Instrumental Music Director
Littleton High School